Introducing Sheila Murphy's New Live Training...

Business Development School

For Outside Counsel Ready to Control Their Career

Tuesday, September 12, 2023
9:00 AM PST, 12:00 PM EST


Introducing Sheila Murphy's New Live Training...

Development School

For Outside Counsel Ready to
Control Their Career

Tuesday, September 12, 2023
9:00 AM PST, 12:00 PM EST

This is for you if...

  • You strive to be authentic in your selling & offer real value to your clients.
  • You don’t know how to find and attract your ideal clients.
  • You want to increase your sales funnel.
  • You attend networking events & need more strategic business relationships.
  • You struggle to convert contacts into clients.
  • You want your own book of business & greater control over your career and compensation.

In this Complimentary Training you will learn:

  • How to Find, Understand and Attract Your Ideal Clients
  • How to Build a Sales Funnel & Relationships that Lead to Business
  • The Steps to Converting Contacts to Clients


Tuesday, September 12, 2023
9:00 AM PST, 12:00 PM EST

Learn the steps you MUST Take to Create A Book of Business and Create Financial Freedom and Flexibility For Yourself

In today’s legal market, many attorneys provide legal services in your niche. To build a book of business, you MUST differentiate yourself, create the right exceptional relationships and solve the targets’ problems.

By the end of this session, you will know HOW to release your inner rainmaker and COMMAND greater control of your courage, compensation, and career--- all without sounding like a salesperson.

About Your Host

For over 20 years, Sheila, an award-winning former senior legal officer for a Fortune 50 company, successfully leveraged her leadership skills and professional profile and created a whisper network to give her career quantum leaps. To this day, that network reaches out to Sheila with opportunities for herself and others. She knows how to create a robust and loyal network that will shout your name and how that can catapult your career and power.

While in-house, Sheila began to pursue her passion for helping to advance more women in the legal industry to power positions. To do this, Sheila developed and coached talent and used her power to accelerate careers and make change. 

As a certified coach and career consultant, Sheila partners with lawyers to go from stuck to unstoppable and catapult their careers, compensation, and courage. Sheila invests her free time with organizations dedicated to elevating women's status in the legal profession and world.

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