Discover Sheila Murphy's...
A unique guide for every aspiring rainmaker who longs for greater control over her career, compensation & courage but can't figure out how to convert her NETWORK into a bigger NET WORTH.
In this guide, Sheila shares her insider secrets to change contacts into clients & be more effective at requests for proposals and pitches. Having selected outside counsel for over 20 years, Sheila knows what works & what falls flat.
A unique guide for every aspiring rainmaker who longs for greater control over her career, compensation & courage but can't figure out how to convert her NETWORK into a bigger NET WORTH.
In this guide, Sheila shares her insider secrets to change contacts into clients & be more effective at requests for proposals and pitches. Having selected outside counsel for over 20 years, Sheila knows what works & what falls flat.
About Sheila
For over 20 years, Sheila, an award-winning former senior legal officer for a Fortune 50 company, successfully developed, coached, and transformed talent in corporate America and law firms. As a former senior in-house attorney, Sheila understands what companies look for in their outside counsel.
Today, as a certified coach and career consultant, Sheila partners with lawyers to advance their careers, develop business, and achieve the compensation, impact, and flexibility they deserve. Sheila provides pragmatic advice on the building blocks for career and business development: a robust, authentic brand, leveraging strong strategic relationships, and building profiles for promotion. As a trained coach, Sheila works with clients to leave their comfort zones, create effective habits, and address their inner voices that threaten to undermine their efforts.
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